안녕하세요 3월 세미나 정보 공유해드립니다. 이번 3월부터는 in-person과 zoom 하이브리드 미팅으로 진행하고자 합니다. 캠퍼스에 계신분들은 in-person미팅에 참석하여 네트워킹 및 다과를 즐겨주시길 바랍니다. UCSF는 in-person은 6-7에 저녁식사 후 7시부터 세미나를 진행할 예정이니 참고해주세요.
1. UC Berkeley 3/27 Mon 6pm
김명석 (Myoungseok Kim), M.S.
Title: Harnessing paper folding mechanism for reconfigurable DNA origami
Location: UC Berkeley Li Ka Shing Center Rm 445 (Meet at the Elevator @6pm)
Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/92104112509
2. UC Davis 3/29 Wed 6:30 pm
김유태 (You-Tae Kim), Ph.D
Title: Comprehensive evaluation of functional properties in bifidobacterial using multi-omics analysis
Location: UC Davis Robert Mondavi Institute (RMI)-South 2209
Zoom: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/98107117366?pwd=NTduY0xRVDhSSTN3eEtnL01wNGNUZz09#success
3. UC San Francisco 3/30 Thr 7pm (free food served at 6pm!)
정현철 (Hyuncheol Jung), Ph.D
Title: Anti-inflammatory clearance of amyloid beta by a chimeric Gas6 fusion protein
Location: Clinical Sciences building, Clinical Sciences 1111, Parnassus campus
Zoom: https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/93894679980?pwd=TWRQbVYwRXVzbXVTRS9jZlRDTyt1QT09
4. Stanford University 3/30 Thr 6pm
장원석 (James Won Suk Jahng), Ph.D
Title: Precision medicine and drug discovery with human iPSC-derivatives
Location: Biomedical Innovation Building (240 Pasteur Dr), Tung Conference Room, Rm 10216
Zoom: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/98555184978?pwd=N25LMVllSWt6RDh3NjA4SmE3SlJ1Zz09
